Sustainability Review
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BURSA Listing Requirement
Ch.9 Sustainability Review
The Bursa Listing Requirement Chapter 9 governs information disclosures for companies listed on the Exchange. One of the mandatory disclosures is the Sustainability Statement (Appendix 9C: Part A-para.29) that requires a listed issuer to disclose in its annual report on how it has managed material economic, environmental and social risks and opportunities. Information needs to be disclosed in the manner as prescribed by the Exchange. SCRP can assist you in reviewing your current practices, perform gap analysis and manage sustainability compliance risks.

Sustainability Impact Analysis
Identifying sustainability themes that matter to an organization can be complex for two reasons: multi-factor relationships (causal-impact) between an organization with its sustainability matters and measuring the materiality of the matter. Selecting indicators and quantifying their baseline in the Bursa Sustainability Toolkit can be challenging. SCRP can help you better manage sustainability risk by valuing your sustainable procurement and lending practices, GHG emissions, waste produced, water withdrawn by source, energy saved, biodiversity loss, carbon sequestration, cultural values and more.

GRI-Based Sustainability Risk Rating
Global Reporting Initiative is a self-regulated, independent organization that has pioneered sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI Standards is the most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting. Bursa Malaysia has indicated that adoption of GRI Standards will go beyond Bursa's minimum requirements for Sustainability Statement disclosures. SCRP has developed a sustainability rating system to build local benchmarks for larger organizations who aspire to meet global standards.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Planning
The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a shared blueprint for UN member states to pursue the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). SCRP can assist you by organizing policy roundtables to gather lawmakers, regulators, industry leaders, academics and civil society to discuss issues and risks that matter to you. The results of the roundtable will be escalated for policy recommendations and if required, we can assist you in the policy and regulatory develop process.

After reviewing, analyzing and evaluating risks, the outcomes cannot be left to fix themselves. Risks need a systematic treatment process. One of the key treatment methods is innovation. Here, SCRP will use innovation frameworks like TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Design Thinking and other models to engineer changes that will reduce sustainability risks for you. For government regulators, we apply sustainable regulatory innovation concepts to help you design game-changing regulations that would benefit society.